Taylor Morgan Flying
  • Wi-Fly 2-Axis
  • Taylor Morgan Flying

Wi-Fly 2-Axis

SKU: Wi-Fly_2-Axis

Wifly Range of MotionA 200-year-old magic method used by the greatest performers of every generation, A lifetime of development, 5 years intensive engineering work harnessing cutting edge manufacturing technology to create the definitive, modular “Array” invisible levitation system. Re-imagining the technology from the ground up  WiFly is designed to meet theatre industry safety norms (every part utilising industry standard safety ratios and whenever possibly independently rated components) and be practical and viable for use in the real world for the first-time giving performers the confidence they are using a professionally designed system that they can depend on.

The primary support “secret stuff” is specially manufactured for us to our own specification by a world recognised leader in the field creating a hybrid material that is the thinnest and strongest available in the world today. Effectively invisible to the naked eye from 1m away yet durable and flexible to minimise risk of damage when handled off stage this hybrid multi-material wire is at the heart of all the WiFly systems eliminating the need for costly custom backdrops and complicated lighting design. Able to be performed in brighter performance settings than any other system currently on the market, tested with 360-degree audiences and fully HD camera “safe” this is as close to invisibility as you’d ever see.

Historically the harness for these types of systems have been uncomfortable and bulky being designed for ease of manufacture rather than for optimum performance features and comfort. We partnered with the worlds leading designer of harness’s used for Hollywood mega stars to create a harness that is the lightest, most slimline and yet comfortable harness ever released to the magic industry. Slimline and lightweight (they normally have to hide them under those Lycra superhero costumes) it offers unparalleled freedom of movement for the performer whilst also being adjustable (down to the millimetre) for perfect balance, positioning and performer comfort; this really is the Rolls-Royce of magic harness

Designed for fast installation, it only needs 3x3m  space in the theatre and packs down to one case 2.2x0.7x0.4m

This 2 Axis WiFly system needs 1 backstage assistant plus the person levitating and all should be in good fitness as a degree of strain and exertion is required from them all to present an authentic performance.

This is a professional system designed for experienced working stage performer use, purchasers will need to demonstrate they have the resources to properly rehearse and use this prop before any sale can be made.

This system provides a simple 2 axis movement – straight up and down, left to right up to 2m and pirouette, of a person or object maximum 75kg. Some example uses include

  • Dancing or walking up a wall
  • A standing ascension levitation with some sideways movement (Mary Poppins flying away)
  • A “Keller” style levitation of a reclining assistant (i.e. an “aga” type levitation but on an open stage)
  • Allowing a fairy godmother type character to levitate and move slightly as she casts her spells
  • Levitating a scenic item and moving it slightly side to side
  • A simple “flying” sequence within the 2m flight zone

Detailed technical specification, photographs and videos are available on request for serious buyers only to protect the secrets of this incredible system and help ensure it will fit your show’s needs.